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 Special Projects – Research

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The Centre also works hand-in-hand with researchers to directly support their research projects. These projects usually require more in-depth consultation, analytics and customised solutions.


Projects must be research-led (not for commercial purposes) or significantly contribute to the University of Auckland strategic goals.



Projects will require separate funding for cost recovery from researcher/research group, which normally comes from the researcher’s funding application from MBIE, HRC, VCSDF, SRIF, and the Faculty Research Development Fund. Nonetheless, we offer complimentary advice and consultation services.


Ensure you engage early to discuss the scope and requirements of projects, allowing for the allocating and planning of resources for any software development. However, due to limited resources, support may not be feasible in certain instances. Moreover, given the dynamic nature of research, while we strive to adapt to any shifts in direction, we cannot assure the completion of a final product. We commit to collaborating with you, dedicating our time and expertise to achieve the project objectives to the fullest extent possible.


Please request a consultation via Following an initial consultation, we will evaluate our resources to determine if they align with our abilities and availability. Subsequently, we will prepare a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) detailing the objectives, scope of work, schedule, and rates for buy-out/cost recovery. (Refer to the provided example for further details.)

Example of Internal Memorandum of Understanding

1.  Parties to the memorandum

Contractor: Dr N.N. Smith, Research Department, The University of Auckland
Sub-Contractor: Centre for eResearch, The University of Auckland

2.  Project title

Research Project Title

3.  Project objectives/scope

• Develop and implement aa to allow the use of bb to achieve cc.
Test, validate and document deliverables.

4.  Suggested timeline and buyout rate

For the duration of the specified time period, cost recovery is implemented at a rate of $XX per hour. This is done through an internal fund transfer based on the actual hours utilised, up to a maximum limit of $xx. Any funds that remain unused will be refunded. Any expenses for materials or other incidental costs will require mutual agreement and will be billed accordingly. The project and account numbers will need to be confirmed at the time of payment.

5.  Sub-contractors key staff and contact details

Project lead: Name and email
Finance contact: Name and email

6.  Contractors key staff and contact details

Contract researcher: Name and email
Finance contact: Name and email

7.  Agreement

This Memorandum formalises the intention of the Parties to collaborate in the research project outlined above and enter into a sub-contract. Commencement of the Project is subject to the Parties reaching a mutually satisfactory final agreement on the terms and conditions of the sub-contract.

8.  Execution

The undersigned represent that they are duly authorised to execute this memorandum on behalf of the respective Parties.

Case studies of contracted special projects

Estimating quality of life: a spatial microsimulation model of wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand

This research focuses on wellbeing as an indicator of quality of life, we aim to create a nationwide dataset that can be used to understand wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Listening to equations: a tool for the audification of heteroclinic networks

Understanding the dynamics near heteroclinic networks is currently an active area of mathematical research, but the focus of the current project is somewhat different.

Painting the brain: multiplexed tissue labelling of human brain tissue to facilitate discoveries in neuroanatomy

Multiplex labelling technology that generates spatial maps of large numbers of proteins can facilitate discoveries in neuroanatomy and the study of neurodegenerative diseases.

Hosting visualisation and analytics tools for COVID-19 studies

The Centre for eResearch is actively supporting several COVID-19 related projects at the University and on the national level during 2020 pandemic.

Antibiotic resistance and the “end of modern medicine ”

Antibiotic resistance and the “end of modern medicine ” In 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) concluded that within ten years, resistance would make routine surgery, organ transplantation, and cancer treatment life-threateningly risky.

An Archaeological database for threatened North Island rock art in New Zealand

With over 700 sites containing thousands of figures, New Zealand has one of the largest bodies of rock art in Polynesia

Waikato report on deprivation an ‘eye opener’

Waikato report on deprivation an ‘eye opener’ <div class="dcsbcm_divi_breadcrumbs_wrapper clearfix et_pb_module et_pb_bg_layout_light et_pb_dcsbcm_divi_breadcrumbs_module_1"> <div class="dcsbcm_divi_breadcrumbs"><span...

Genomic Virtual Lab (GVL) as a bioinformatics training platform

Genomics Virtual Laboratory is a web portal provides a growing suite of genomics analysis tools, the biologists can start working immediately with no setup required.

Climate change impacts on weather-related hazards

Adopting recent scientific developments, the project aims to develop a data-driven model framework to be implemented and tested in detail at specific sites.

Visualising humpback whale migration

Associate Professor Rochelle Constantine has been named inaugural winner of the Sir Peter Blake Trust environment award for her work in marine research and conservation.

Biological heritage eDNA virtual hub – National Science Challenge

<div class="dcsbcm_divi_breadcrumbs_wrapper clearfix et_pb_module et_pb_bg_layout_light et_pb_dcsbcm_divi_breadcrumbs_module_1"> <div class="dcsbcm_divi_breadcrumbs"><span class="dcsbcm_divi_breadcrumb"><a href=""...

ARCI, Archaeology eResearch Collaboration Initiative

ARCI, Archaeology eResearch Collaboration Initiative Joshua Emmitt, Graduate Teaching Assistant; Dr Rebecca Phillipps, Research Fellow; Prof Simon Holdaway; School of Social Sciences; Sina Masoud-Ansari, eResearch Support; Prof Mark Gahegan, Centre for...

Visualising the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes

The 22 February 2011, Mw 6.2 Christchurch earthquake was devastating and is the most costly earthquake to affect New Zealand, causing 181 fatalities and severely damaging thousands of residential and commercial buildings, and most of the city lifelines and infrastructure.

Mapping donor contributions in the Pacific

The New Zealand Institute for Pacific Research (NZIPR) is building a dynamic model of donor contributions in the Pacific region. The model will be constructed using data from a number of sources and the results will be displayed on a visualisation tool created by the Centre for eResearch.

Giving Pacific research greater reach

Launched in March 2016, the New Zealand Institute for Pacific Research (NZIPR) is a national institute aimed at promoting and supporting excellence in Pacific research, in order to deliver a world-class research programme focused on Pacific development, investment and foreign-policy issues.

Wandering around the molecular landscape: embracing virtual reality as a research showcasing outreach and teaching tool

Virtual reality in science is an exciting, effective and rapid expanding field in today’s research. Auckland molecular research at the School of Biological Sciences aims to build capability in the use of virtual reality technology for molecular visualisation

Modelling of costs of diets by INFORMAS

An unhealthy diet contributes to obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The price of food is a major determinant of food choices. The variation of the cost of diets is important but currently unknown. There is ongoing discussion on whether a healthy diet is significantly cheaper or more expensive than the current, less healthy diet.

Virtual childhood obesity prevention laboratory

Obesity is a complex system operating at many levels, containing a diverse set of actors, and operating via different mechanisms and operative pathways. These characteristics suggest the need for new and more dynamic methods to better understand determinants and identify solutions.

Growing Up in New Zealand

The Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) longitudinal study was designed explicitly to understand what it is like to be a child growing up within the family, cultural, economic, societal and technological complexity of 21st century New Zealand.

Visualising the campus in 3D

Nick Young from the Centre for eResearch has been working with Vasso Koutsos from Communications and Marketing to make an accurate 3D model across Leigh Marine Science Centre, City, Grafton, Newmarket, Epsom, and Tamaki campuses to support the university’s marketing initiatives.